How to Winterize a Pool in Canada

Nov 3, 2023 | Pool

Winter in Canada brings picturesque snow-capped landscapes and exciting seasonal festivities, but it also commences a significant time for pool owners. As much as we’d all love to imagine our pools as a year-round tropical oasis, the truth is that Canadian winters can be pretty harsh on our backyard pools. This is where winterizing comes […]

Winter in Canada brings picturesque snow-capped landscapes and exciting seasonal festivities, but it also commences a significant time for pool owners. As much as we’d all love to imagine our pools as a year-round tropical oasis, the truth is that Canadian winters can be pretty harsh on our backyard pools. This is where winterizing comes into play. In this guide, we’ll take you through the essential steps of this process to ensure your oasis survives the frosty months and stays in good shape until it’s time to open it.

What is Pool Winterizing?

Pool winterizing is the essential process of preparing your pool for the harsh conditions of Canadian winters. As temperatures drop, the freezing weather can pose significant risks to your pool’s equipment, plumbing, and overall structure. Winterizing involves a series of steps designed to safeguard your oasis from potential damage caused by freezing, ice, and snow.

At a high level, the process typically includes cleaning the pool thoroughly, adjusting water chemistry, removing accessories and equipment, draining water, adding winterizing chemicals, and ensuring you have a proper pool covering.

When to Winterize Your Pool

The onset of winter can be unpredictable, especially in Canada. The ideal time to start winterizing your pool is before the temperature consistently drops below 15°C during the day and before temperatures fall below freezing at night. This timeline typically falls between September and early November, depending on the region.

Preparing for Winterization

Before diving into the winterizing process, gather the necessary tools and equipment. This includes:

  • A winter-friendly pool cover
  • Winterizing chemicals
  • Skimmer plugs

Next, clean the pool, remove debris, and inspect for damages or leaks. If you notice any problem areas, address them before winter sets in.

How to Winterize a Pool: Step-by-Step Guide

Now that you’ve cleaned your pool and addressed any structural issues, it’s time to winterize.

1. Drain the Water to an Appropriate Level

Begin by draining the water in your pool to a level recommended by your pool manufacturer or local guidelines. Typically, this is just below the skimmer and return jets. Draining to this level prevents potential damage due to freezing, allowing space for ice expansion while safeguarding the pool’s structure.

2. Remove Pool Accessories and Equipment

Carefully remove and store all pool accessories, such as ladders, diving boards, and skimmer baskets. Clean and dry these items thoroughly to prevent damage in storage. Additionally, remove and properly store pool pumps, heaters, and filters after cleaning them to ensure they’re in good condition when you reopen in the spring.

3. Balance Water Chemistry

Test and balance the water chemistry of your pool to ensure it’s in optimal condition for the dormant winter months. Adjust pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness levels as needed; balanced water helps prevent corrosion and scale buildup.

4. Add Winterizing Chemicals

Use winterizing chemicals according to manufacturer recommendations to prevent algae and bacteria growth during the cold months. These chemicals can include algaecides and winterizing kits to maintain water clarity and quality throughout the season.

5. Protect Pool Plumbing and Equipment from Freezing

Drain water from filters, pumps, and heaters. Use pool antifreeze in plumbing lines to prevent any remaining water from freezing and causing damage. Additionally, it’s a good idea to properly insulate exposed pipes and equipment to protect them from the harsh winter conditions. This is also the time to use your skimmer plugs to create an airtight seal through the cold months.

6. Cover the Pool

Choose a high-quality, durable cover specifically designed for winter protection. Ensure it fits snugly over the pool, leaving no gaps for debris or animals to enter. Install the cover tightly and use water bags, cover clips, or anchors to keep it in place. 

Need Professional Winterizing Assistance?

At Benson Pools, we’re the go-to experts for pool closing. We use industry-leading techniques and can take care of all the steps—you don’t have to lift a finger. Contact us today to learn more!